• +1 (809) 565-9371
  • info@adecobecas.com
  • Calle La Lira No. 23, El Vergel

"Desde el primer día que llegué a Corea, fui recibida por el equipo de ADECO Becas, fueron extremadamente buenos, me asistieron con el mínimo detalle para poder llegar sana y salva a donde estaría quedandome, realmente me ayudaron más de lo que pensaba. Quede sorprendida desde el momento en que salí del aeropuerto. Es un país completamente diferente al mío "República Dominicana", en Corea la tecnología está muy desarrollada, es muy seguro a toda hora y los alrededores están siempre limpios y organizados. Aquí todos los días hay algo nuevo que hacer y la vida social es muy activa. He conocido personas de todas partes del mundo en las pocas semanas que llevo aquí. Sobre las clases, los profesores son todos excelentes y realmente todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo, dentro y fuera del salón de clases. No todo es perfecto, ahora mismo está haciendo un frío terrible, pero todo lo otro bueno definitivamente le gana a lo malo. Venir a este país será algo de lo que nunca me arrepentiré, y he disfrutado cada momento. Gracias infinitas a ADECO Becas por ayudarme desde el primer momento que tomé la decisión de venir aquí. Me ayudaron con todo, desde mi aplicación hasta tips de como tener una vida equilibrada en Corea. Siempre mantienen contacto conmigo y reciben updates de mi estadía aquí. Ya los considero familia y les agradeceré su ayuda por siempre."

Yuliana Reyes

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)

Tuve la oportunidad de conocerla a través de mi proceso de aplicación a una maestría en Corea del Sur. Me brindó un apoyo integral, dando los consejos precisos desde la búsqueda hasta la aceptación por mi parte de una de las 3 becas completas que me ofrecieron.

Isis es una profesional apasionada de la educación superior y encontrando oportunidades para talentos.

José Fernando Sabando

Kumoh National Institute

ADECO Becas gave me valuable assistance, my counsellor assigned was Isis Quiñones and during the whole application process she showed her expertise as a Higher Education Specialist. This subsequently aided me to be admitted to the Chonbuk National University and be granted a full scholarship. After completing that course, Isis gave me valuable feedback on my application for a doctorate course at the University of Calgary; I have no doubt that her input will have a positive impact over the admission result.

I am sure that there is a large number of graduate and undergraduate students that would like acknowledge Isis’ efforts to build a better world and ADECO Becas commitment with a better educated world.

Danilo Borja

Chonbuk National University

Mi experiencia en corea sido muy buena. Siendo de un país, cultura, y hablando un idioma tan diferente ha tenido sus altas y sus bajas pero siempre conoces personas que tienen tus mismas metas y que todos los días te apoya mas a que puedas seguir hasta la línea final. Con la ayuda de ADECO Becas obtuve la información necesaria de una manera confiable y un consejero de admisión, persona que estuvo ahí para cualquier necesidad durante el proceso de aplicación. La asesoría con Isis, mi consejera de admisión me ayudó a sentirme mas segura de mi material y de mi preparación ante esta tarea.

Paula Cuevas

Hanyang University

Hello~I'm Betsy Corona and I've been an international student in South Korea for almost 3 years now. When I was back in my country, I decided was going to apply for a scholarship that would enable me to eventually get a better job and further my knowledge of tourism, my undergraduate degree. A good friend had mentioned a scholarship program sponsored by the Korean Government which included tuition, living expenses, medical insurance, a research stipend, and cultural experiences. Wow. Most of the scholarships programs out there only include tuition and some include accommodation fees but all of it?! I was very attracted to the idea until I opened the application document. What was I supposed to write? I had to write 500 words on why I wanted to go, why I liked Korea, what was motivating my decision to study, my curriculum, grades, medical exams, it was so much! Luckily, my friend referred me to Adeco Becas, an organization that helps you find and submit scholarship applications in S. Korea. When you apply to a scholarship program you application represents you and your chance of getting selected depends solely on the assertiveness of it. Knowing what to write and how to enhance your strengths and conceal your weaknesses ensured my place in the approved pile. I'd say that having Adeco counsel my scholarship application boosted my chances of getting selected.

Looking back at it now, living in Korea has been an extraordinary experience. By living abroad you learn so much more that what you ever thought possible. What's there to lose?

Betsy Corona

Kyung Hee University

Estudiar en Corea es una de mis mejores experiencias. Aquí he conocido amigos de todo el mundo, viajado, hecho hermosos recuerdos y aprendido muchísimo. Gracias a la asesoría personalizada de ADECO Becas pude prepararme mejor para aplicar a las universidades coreanas, conocer la oferta de becas y lograr admisión con éxito

Jenni E. Torres Nuñez

Daegu University

Al momento de hacer mi aplicacion a la beca KGSP de Corea del Sur no tenía mucha idea de que documentos requeria y cuál era el proceso general de aplicar a una beca en el extranjero, pero gracias a que ADECO Becas me guio en todo el proceso desde la legalización de los documentos hasta los formularios de aplicación, fue que pude obtener mi beca satisfactoriamente. Si quieres aplicar a una beca en el extranjero y no tienes claro cuál es el procedimiento, no dudes en utilizar sus servicios, 100% recomendado.

Veronica Padron

Kyung Hee University

I cannot believe I am in Korea! I have already a month here and it seems unreal, while I am in the subway on my way to Itaewon or Hongdae with my Latin friends there are times that I asked them, “Am I in Korea?”, I always imagined that moment where I was going to be in a university abroad, living in a totally new culture and I am finally living that moment. I couldn’t being here alone, I got support from so many people, specially my family and close friends.
Back in Dominican Republic when I started all this process, I was doing it all alone and I was extremely lost with all the things I had to do or with what I had to start, but then I got help from the heavens or better call Adeco becas, they are my saviors, if it wasn’t for them I wasn’t going to be here for sure, there were times In the middle of the process where I start to feel down thinking about negative things and the time was passing, but all the time they were pushing me and encouraging me to keep working on my scholarship process, from the very simple detail to the most complicated one, Adeco Becas was always there answering my questions, connecting me to others students that were in the university I was applying, thanks to their amazing support and my dedication, I succeed on getting a full scholarship at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and it is being an amazing experience.
I am achieving things in a short amount of time, that I never imagined to achieve back in my country, I already got a part-time job in an organization from my university and I am already going to travel to Vietnam, I am doing all the things I dreamed with and actually it is being better than what I imagined. I am thankful I got this extraordinary opportunity and I will work hard for take the best of this experience, I will be here in Korea for around 4 years, I will do my best for use my time wisely.

Adriana Jimenez

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

I have always wanted to study abroad; it has been one of my goals in life, however coming from a family that can not afford that, I had to look for my ways on how to achieve it. By the time I was half of my high school years, I had decided that Biomedical/Bioengineering was what I wanted to study, unfortunately, in my country, there was no university I could consider. Therefore, I applied to many schools by my own; however, all of them did not offer enough coverage scholarships that could help my family and me with the costs. I did not want to give up, and I decided then to apply directly to universities in Asia, especially in Korea (I like Asia, specifically Korean culture), and while doing the research, I came across with ADECO BECAS, and I thank God a lot for this. At first, I was not sure if I could afford it (mainly because of my family economic situation). Nevertheless, ADECO designed a counseling plan that fits my financial situation. I do not regret getting help from ADECO BECAS; they did not just help me with my papers and admission to my top 1 university option, but, they as well helped me with admission to all my other options. Not even I believed it. ADECO BECAS have both professional and personal/human skills, they were there for my questions and giving me tips/ advice before and after my arrival in Korea, which I am thankful for. Studying abroad is a challenge that is worth the try, I have accepted it and by far is fantastic!

Melissa Hernández

Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology

Trabajar con Adeco Becas fue un proceso de aprendizaje y mejora continua. Gracias a su apoyo pude trabajar en mis fortalezas y encontrar oportunidades en mis debilidades como estudiante y profesional. Actualmente estoy cursando mi master en Negocios Internacionales con beca completa.

Cristian Vásquez

Ajou University